Critical Edition Update

Critical Edition of Whitehead quarterly update, summer 2024

The year is halfway done, and it’s time for another update on the Critical Edition. We have more progress and some exciting discoveries to report. Let’s start with the discoveries. In reviewing the Victor Lowe papers that we had scanned from Johns Hopkins —about 15,000 pages of material—we discovered a brand new, or at least… Read More Critical Edition of Whitehead quarterly update, summer 2024

Critical Edition Update

Critical Edition of Whitehead quarterly update, spring 2024

The first three months of 2024 have been focused on a couple of things: finishing up the second volume of Whitehead’s Essays and Articles (EA2) and kicking off the work that’s been scoped for the NEH grant. We’ll start by discussing EA2, since there’s been an interesting development. After essentially completing work on EA2, we… Read More Critical Edition of Whitehead quarterly update, spring 2024

New Books

Astrophilosophy, Exotheology, and Cosmic Religion

Available from Astrophilosophy, Exotheology, and Cosmic Religion Andrew Davis and Roland Faber (eds.)Publication Date: February, 2024 Astrophilosopy, Exotheology, and Cosmic Religion: Extraterrestrial Life in a Process Universe applies Alfred North Whitehead’s process philosophy and the associated process philosophies of Henri Bergson, Teilhard de Chardin, and others to the interdisciplinary layers of astrobiology, extraterrestrial life, and the… Read More Astrophilosophy, Exotheology, and Cosmic Religion

Critical Edition Update

Critical Edition of Whitehead 2023 year-end update

2023 has proven to be one of the most momentous years in the Critical Edition’s history, for numerous reasons. First, it has been a year of transition. Following the separation of the Center for Process Studies from Claremont School of Theology and the retirement of the Whitehead Research Project’s founder, Dr. Roland Faber, the WRP… Read More Critical Edition of Whitehead 2023 year-end update

New Books

Virginia Woolf as a Process-Oriented Thinker

Available from Virginia Woolf as a Process-Oriented Thinker Veronika KrajíčkováPublication Date: October, 2023 Virginia Woolf as a Process-Oriented Thinker: Parallels Between Woolf’s Fiction and Process Philosophy introduces Virginia Woolf as a nondualist and process-oriented thinker whose ideas are, despite no direct influence, strikingly similar to those of Alfred North Whitehead. Veronika Krajíčková argues that in their… Read More Virginia Woolf as a Process-Oriented Thinker

Critical Edition Update

Critical Edition of Whitehead quarterly update, fall 2023

It has been a momentous quarter for both the Critical Edition of Whitehead and the Whitehead Research Project. The headline news, as we previously announced, is that the Critical Edition is now being funded through the National Endowment for the Humanities’ Scholarly Editions and Translations program. This NEH grant will provide $350,000 over a three-year… Read More Critical Edition of Whitehead quarterly update, fall 2023


Helmut Maaßen (1946–2023)

The editors and friends of the Critical Edition of Whitehead (CEW) regret to report the recent death of one of the European members of the CEW Board of Advisors, Dr. Helmut Maaßen, Director of the European Center for Process Studies and recently-retired Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter in the Department of Philosophy at Henrich Heine University (Düsseldorf, DE).… Read More Helmut Maaßen (1946–2023)