Second Critical Edition of Whitehead Conference:
Call for Papers

We invite scholars to submit papers that explore the significance of the second volume of Whitehead’s Harvard lectures (HL2). What does it tell us about Whitehead’s philosophy and its development?

Papers presented at the conference will be eligible for consideration for inclusion in a special issue of Process Studies that will focus on HL2.

Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • What does HL2 tell us about the development of Whitehead’s thought between major publications? How does the content of his course lectures in 1925-1927 relate to Religion in the Making, Symbolism, or Process Reality?
  • What does HL2 reveal about the relationship of Whitehead’s philosophy to little-examined influences like C. D. Broad and C. Lloyd Morgan?
  • What do the lectures reveal about the development of Whitehead’s understanding of God within his metaphysical scheme?
  • What can be gleaned about Whitehead’s ethics from the transcript of his lecture (and the conversation following) delivered in Richard Clarke Cabot’s “Social Ethics 20a”?
  • What does HL2 teach us about Whitehead’s conception of time?
  • We also encourage papers that explore connections between HL2 and the first volume of Harvard lectures (HL1), or between both of them and other publications by Whitehead or his influences. Moreover, though papers on HL2 are preferred, we will also accept papers focusing on HL1.

Please submit proposals through this link.

  • Proposals are due by 30 June 2022.
  • Full papers are due by 1 September 2022.