The following is a list of universities and programs in which students can obtain graduate-level degrees with a focus on, or openness to, Whitehead studies.
- Boston University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
PhD in Philosophy with emphasis on process philosophy
Contact: Robert Neville - Université Libre de Bruxelles
PhD in Philosophy with emphasis on process philosophy
Contact: Didier Debaise - California Institute of Integral Studies
MA in Process Philosophy
Contact: Robert McDermott - PhD in PhilosophyContact: Brianne Donaldson
- Claremont School of Theology
MA in Process Studies
PhD in Process Studies
Contact: Andrew Schwartz - Drew University, The Theological School
PhD in Theological and Philosophical Studies with focus on Whitehead
Contact: Catherine Keller - The University of Edinburgh, School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences
PhD in Philosophy with emphasis on Whitehead
Contact: Andy Clark - Fordham University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
PhD in Philosophy with emphasis on Whitehead
Contact: Jude Jones - University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany
PhD in Philosophy
Contact: Regina Kather - George Washington University
MA in Philosophy with emphasis on process philosophy
Contact: Derek Malone-France - Goldsmiths, University of London
MA in Critical and Creative Analysis
PhD in Sociology
Contact: Martin Savransky - Gonzaga University
MA in Philosophy with emphasis on Whitehead
Contact: Brian Henning - University of Hawaii, Department of Philosophy
PhD in Philosophy with emphasis on Whitehead
Contact: Steve Odin - Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, German Whitehead Society
MA in Philosophy with emphasis on Whitehead
PhD in Philosophy with emphasis on Whitehead
Contact: Christoph Kann - Hochschule für Philosophie in Munich, Germany
PhD in Philosophy with emphasis on Process and Whitehead
Contact: Godehard Bruentrup, SJ - University of Oregon, Philosophy Department
MA in Philosophy with emphasis on Whitehead
PhD in Philosophy with emphasis on Whitehead
Contact: Barbara Muraca - University of Salzburg, Department of Education
PhD in Education with focus on Whitehead
Contact: Franz Riffert - University of Saskatchewan Process Philosophy Research Unit
M.Ed. in Process Educational Philosophy with an emphasis on Whitehead
Contact: Howard Woodhouse - Sophia University (Tokyo, Japan), Graduate School of Humanities
PhD in philosophy with emphasis on Whitehead
Contact: Tanaka Yutaka - Technical University of Berlin
PhD in Philosophy
Contact: Spyridon Koutroufinis