The Whitehead Encyclopedia aims to explicate the ways in which Alfred North Whitehead has influenced contemporary work in philosophy, theology, and the natural and social sciences, as well as explore his relationship to other thinkers—both those who influenced him and those who were influenced by him. This free, open access research tool will be a boon to scholars and students alike. Users can browse current entries or search their content by keyword.
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The content of the site is largely based on the Handbook of Whiteheadian Process Thought (2008, De Gruyter), edited by Michel Weber and Will Desmond. This two-volume, 1,400-page endeavor was filled with valuable scholarship, but its $700 price tag put it beyond the reach of many prospective readers. We thank Michel Weber for generously sharing the Handbook entries and helping to launch this exciting new online resource, which we hope will continue to be an aid to scholars for many years to come.