Press Release 9-11-10

It is our pleasure to announce that the Whitehead Research Project (WRP) has secured permission from A. N. Whitehead’s estate to begin editing his published and unpublished academic writings. With this very welcome news we also announce the inauguration of the Critical Edition of Whitehead, a long-term initiative of the WRP that will, for the first time, make available the complete published and unpublished writings of Alfred North Whitehead in a single, critical edition.

“A critical edition seeks to remain close to the author’s intention while disclosing the principles for deciding what version of the text to publish and any editorial changes made to it,” explained Executive Editor Brian G. Henning.

Such editions provide an explanation and documentation of the compositional history of the text. An important element is to undo any changes that were made silently by previous publishers (e.g., between the Macmillan and Cambridge editions).

Private donors to the Whitehead Research Project generously provided some initial funding to launch the edition. National Endowment for the Humanities funding and other grant opportunities will be sought for the continued support of the critical edition of Whitehead’s work. Consider donating today to support this exciting and important work.
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Critical Edition of Whitehead Editorial Board

Executive Editor:Brian G. Henning (WRP Director of Research)
General Editor:George R. Lucas, Jr., (WRP Board Member)
Associate Editors:Roland Faber (WRP Executive Director)
Michael Halewood (WRP Board Member)
Helmut Maassen (WRP Board Member)
Leemon McHenry (WRP Board Member)
Editorial Assistants:Jeremy Fackenthal
Hollis Phelps

Call for Whitehead Writings

If you are aware of letters, essays, or other published or unpublished items by or about Whitehead, please contact Brian Henning ().

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