Our Team

Current Team Members

Brian G. HenningExecutive Director

Brian G. Henning: Executive Director
Brian Henning is Professor of Philosophy at Gonzaga University and Executive Director of the Whitehead Research Project. Dr. Henning holds a M.A., M.Phil., and Ph.D. in philosophy from Fordham University. His scholarship and teaching focuses on the intersection of metaphysics, aesthetics, and ethics, especially as it relates to the environment. His 2005 book, The Ethics of Creativity, won the 2007 Findlay Book Prize from the Metaphysical Society of America for the best work of metaphysics published between 2001 and 2006. He is co-editor of the Contemporary Whitehead Studies book series through Lexington Books and founder and General Editor of the Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Complete Works of Alfred North Whitehead.
Click here to send him an email.

Joseph PetekDirector of Research and Publication

Joseph Petek: Director of Research and Publication
Joseph Petek received his PhD in Religion / Process Studies from Claremont School of Theology in 2022. He is the Director of Research and Publication for the Whitehead Research Project and Executive Editor for the Critical Edition of Whitehead. He has co-edited three books on Whitehead: Rethinking Whitehead’s Symbolism (2017), Whitehead at Harvard, 1924–1925 (2020), and The Harvard Lectures of Alfred North Whitehead, 1925–1927: General Metaphysical Problems of Science (2021). His latest book is Unearthing the Unknown Whitehead (2022), which examines the significance of Whitehead’s Harvard lectures and other previously unknown archival materials.
Click here to send him an email.

Roland FaberFounder

Roland Faber: Founder
Roland Faber is the Kilsby Family/John B. Cobb, Jr., Professor Emeritus of Process Studies at Claremont School of Theology, the Founder of the Whitehead Research Project, and Co-Director of the Center for Process Studies. Research and publications encompass the fields of Whitehead’s philosophy, Process Philosophy and Process Theology; (De)Constructive Theology; Poststructuralism (Gilles Deleuze); Transreligious Discourse (epistemology of Religious Relativity and Unity) and interreligious applications (e.g., Christianity, Buddhism, Bahá’í Faith); Comparative Philosophy and Mysticism (Meister Eckhart, Nicolas of Cusa, Ibn ‘Arabi), and Theopoetics (an approach to post-structuralist and process theology, which addresses the liberating necessity of multiplicity). His publications include God as Poet of the World (2008), The Divine Manifold (2014), The Becoming of God (2017), The Garden of Reality (2018), The Ocean of God (2019), Depths As Yet Unspoken (2020), The Cosmic Spirit (Cascade, 2021), Divine Appearances (2022), The Mind of Whitehead (2023).
Click here to view visit Dr. Faber’s webpage or send him an email.

Past Team Members

Richard T. Livingston: Technology
Richard Livingston is currently the Executive Director of the Cobb Institute. His academic interests are located in the spaces of convergence and divergence between metaphysics, theology, philosophy, and science. As such, his research areas include ontology, philosophy of religion, philosophical theology, process-relational thought, and open and relational theologies. Richard’s responsibilities for the Whitehead Research Project included most anything related to information technology, e.g., websites, electronic media, databases, etc.

Kennedy Wood: Editorial Assistant (2024)
Kennedy Wood received her master’s in philosophy from Gonzaga University. Before Gonzaga, she studied philosophy and government at the University of Texas at Austin. Her academic interests include political philosophy, normative and applied ethics, moral responsibility, and philosophy of technology.

Daniel J. Martin: Editorial Assistant (2021-2022)
Daniel is a master’s student of Philosophy at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington. He did his undergraduate studies at University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and received a B.A. in Philosophy as well as a B.A. in Digital and Public Humanities. His research interests include Whitehead and process philosophy, Marxism, post-structuralism, metaphysics, Nietzsche, and the problem of evil.

Jenna Petsche: Editorial Assistant (2019-2021)
Jenna is a master’s student in Western Philosophy at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Washington. Prior to Gonzaga, she attended Clarke University in Dubuque, Iowa, where she studied Western philosophy, mathematics, and music. Her research interests include process thought, pragmatism, philosophy of language, and analytic philosophy.

Robert McDonald: Editorial Assistant (2018-2019)
Robert (Rob) is a doctoral student in process thought at Claremont School of Theology. He is the Editorial Assistant for the Whitehead Research Project, as well as working in the Writing & Speech Center at CST as the Administrative Assistant and Writing Associate for Systematic Theology. Prior to CST, he attended Gannon University where he studied Philosophy, Theology, and History, as well as Public and Business Administration, and Gonzaga University where he studied Philosophy. In addition to his studies, worked for US Senator Robert P. Casey, Jr., the Faith & Reason Institute at Gonzaga University, and the Upward Bound Program at Gannon University. These experiences have left him with a range of research interests:  process thought broadly conceived; personalism/s; the thought of Teilhard; philosophies of religion, science, and technology; comparative religion/theology; philosophical anthropology; and environmental ethics.

Jason Taksony Hewitt: Editorial Assistant (2017-2018)
Jason Taksony Hewitt is a doctoral student in process thought at Claremont School of Theology with special interest in many-worlds theory, process semiotics, metametaphysics, and posthumanist media ecology. He holds several academic credentials: a BA Religious Studies (Pomona); MA degrees in Semiotic Ecology (Naropa), American Indian Studies (UCLA), and Education (Antioch, LA); an MLIS Informatics (UCLA); a PGCert in Ecological Theology (Lampeter); and a PhD in Information Studies (UCLA). Among other positions, he has served both as staff and on the Board of Directors of the Vajrapani Institute, as knowledge manager and information architect for various internet projects at several scales, and as the Director of the Office of Instructional Enhancement at UCLA Extension. He currently holds the position of Director of Religious Exploration for the Unitarian Universalist Church of Studio City.

Tyler Huson: Editorial Assistant (2013-2015)

John Becker: Editorial Assistant (2013-2017)
John Becker is currently a Ph. D. student at Claremont School of Theology. His focus revolves around comparative religion and theology, cosmology, mysticism, the apophatic tradition, religious pluralism, and Christian-Buddhist dialogue.

Deena Lin: Graphics
Deena Lin is currently working on her Ph.D. in Philosophy of Religion and Theology at Claremont Graduate University. She is interested in mysticism, interreligious dialogue, theology, and poststructuralist thought. She is responsible for providing all promotional materials for the Whitehead Research Project, as well as providing design support for the project’s website.

Brianne Donaldson: Conference Coordinator
Brianne Donaldson is an instructor in Jain and Dharma Studies at Claremont Lincoln University, where she is also in her final year of doctoral studies in Religion and Process Studies. Her dissertation integrates Critical Animal Studies, Process thought, and Jain metaphysics toward animal and planetary liberation.

Jeremy Fackenthal: Membership Work Coordinator (2008-2012)
Jeremy is a recent graduate of Claremont Graduate University with a PhD in Philosophy of Religion and Theology. Among his academic interests are process philosophy and theology, critical theory and the Frankfurt School, contemporary continental philosophy and political philosophy. His dissertation created a dialogue among Whitehead, Theodor Adorno and Eric Voegelin on the problem of coming to terms with the past in a post-Holocaust world.

Nathan Greeley: Chief Archivist (2010-2013)
Nathan is a Ph.D. student in philosophy of religion and theology at Claremont Graduate University. His interests include modern theology, mysticism, and aesthetics. Nathan is the chief archivist for the Critical Edition of Whitehead.

Brandon Loper: Membership (2009-2010)
Brandon Loper is a PhD candidate in the Cultural Studies program at Claremont Graduate University. His interests include Critical Philosophy, Aesthetics, and Flat Cultural Ontology (i.e. Zizek). He is responsible for aiding Hollis Phelps in developing and facilitating relationships among current and future members and coordinating these with the overall goals of the Whitehead Research Project.

Daniel Pettus: Public Relations (2007-2010)
Daniel Pettus is currently working on his Ph.D. in Theology, Ethics, and Culture at Claremont Graduate University. He is interested in post-structuralism, cultural theory, theology, and ethics. His current research is focused on, but not limited to, locating the site of the political, and determining what philosophical, theological, cultural, and ethical consequences the act of locating and the location itself entails. He is responsible for coordinating events for the Whitehead Research Project.

Hollis Phelps: Membership
Hollis Phelps is a PhD candidate in the Theology, Ethics, and Culture program at Claremont Graduate University. Among other things, his interests include political and secular theologies, psychoanalysis, critical theory, and contemporary continental philosophy. He is responsible for developing and facilitating relationships among current and future members and coordinating these with the overall goals of the Whitehead Research Project.

Ashley Riordan: Online Presence (2009-2010)
Ashley is currently enrolled as a PhD student in Philosophy of Religion and Theology at Claremont Graduate University. She received her BA in English and Religion from Pacific Lutheran University and her MA in Theological Studies from Claremont School of Theology. Ashley is interested primarily in process and feminist theologies. She assists with the WRP blog and the development of our presence at other social networking sites. She is also assisting new research on Chinese students of Whitehead.

Katie Schubert: Public Relations (2009-2011)
Katie Schubert is currently working on her Ph.D in Theology, Ethics and Culture at Claremont Graduate University. Her work has examined the discourse of human rights and religion. She is interested in exploring the possibility of a feminist ethic inclusive of hierarchy within the context of Cambodia and the relationship between religion (both Buddhism and Christianity) and empowerment. She is intrigued by resources in Whitehead’s system for an ethic that focuses on mutual self-interest rather than obligation and for the possibility of an ethic which includes both good and evil. She works in public relations and focuses on setup and organization of an online bibliography of contemporary works for the Project.

Nichole Torbitzky: Grants & Correspondence (2007-2010)
Nichole Torbitzky is a Ph.D. student at Claremont Graduate University in Philosophy of Religion and Theology. She has her M. Div. from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary and her B.A. from Truman State University. Here interest lies in process philosophy of religion.